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Conway's Game of Life

Rozrywka Narzędzia Narzędzia Rozrywka
Desenvolvedor: Santiago Gonzalez
4.99 USD

Conways Game of Life is a cellular automaton that can create a thriving and complex cellular ecosystem based on four simple rules on a square grid. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell.

Now you can have this cellular automaton on your computer!

Simply open the application and a randomly generated ecosystem springs to life! You can pause, play, step one generation, and clear the ecosystem. At any point in the simulation, you can click or drag to create new, living cells. It is also possible to change the speed of the simulation as well as the size of the grid. There is even a library of built-in patterns that exhibit unique behaviors. You can also save and print an image of the current pattern or make fullscreen for a fully immersive experience. If you wish to further customize the simulation, you can go to the preferences panel and change various coloration attributes.

No matter who you are, you will enjoy the app and watching the complex patterns that emerge!